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Version | Freigabe-Notizen und Änderungs-Log |
3.1.1 | |
3.1.0 | - add row-span classes for vertical grid layouts |
3.0.4 | - end of contao 3.5 support (it's not possible to add a basic css file via site-layout anymore) - change grid_options description texts to new Version 3.X |
3.0.3 | fix col-start classes |
3.0.2 | add classes col-1 --> col-12 |
3.0.1 | |
3.0.0 | |
2.2.4 | add PHP 8 support |
2.2.3 | Restore compatibility for Contao 4.8 |
2.2.2 | - Allow classes like col, col-2 and col-xs - Automatically create end elements. |
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