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Backend tools for Contao 4.4+
Version Freigabe-Notizen und Änderungs-Log
1.7.5 + Fixed: Wrong backend user detection
1.7.4 + Fixed: Route prefix detection in Contao 4.9 defect
+ Fixed: One more php 8 issue
1.7.3 + Fixed: Some PHP 8 errors (thx @fritzmg)
+ Fixed: Add some missing parameter handling for `contao.backend.route_prefix`
+ Fixed: Use parameter `contao_manager.manager_path` and `contao.web_dir` for manager detection
1.7.2 + Fixed: Some PHP 8 errors
+ Changed: Deactivate feature `Backend-Tabs` (please remove your this callback in your config.php)
1.7.1 + Fixed: Some PHP warnings
1.7.0 + Improvements for PHP 8
+ Increase system requirements
1.6.14 + Added: Version 4.13 as known lts
+ Added: Replace insert tags in markdown viewer
1.6.13 Fixed: Missing if condition on version check
1.6.12 + Fixed: Remove dependency for "wa72/htmlpagedom"
1.6.11 + Fixed: User redirect not working
1.6.10 + Fixed: Backendlinks in Contao 4.9+ not working
+ Fixed: Problem with user rights in Contao 4.9+
+ Fixed: Redirect token problem with id search
add Zeige mehr Versionen an
1.6.9 Fixed: Wrong version compare
1.6.8 + Fixed: Overwrite CSS for all links only on backend module sysinfo phpinfo
+ Fixed: Wrong alignment for language on root pages
1.6.7 + Added: Add name of layout to title on layout button (see #44)
+ Changed: Replace 'menatwork/contao-multicolumnwizard' with 'menatwork/contao-multicolumnwizard-bundle' (see #34)
+ Fixed: Version feature breaks version info in sysinfo tab packages (see #46)
+ Fixed: Version info shows lower version than current (see #47)
+ Fixed: Missing error message if no md-File found (see #43)
+ Fixed: Can´t use install tool because redirect to login
1.6.6 + Support rsce-Templates for feature 'Element classes'
1.6.5 + Fixed: Hook 'parseTemplate' for element classes not called in frontend (#41)
1.6.4 + Fixed: Use of 'return;' in config/config.php breaks other extension includes
1.6.3 + Fixed: Do not add features when in install tool
+ Fixed: Some issues with the monolog.logger
1.6.2 * Changed: Show latest versions only if different to current version
* Added: Log entry for getting contao versions from github
1.6.1 + Fixed: Some issues with version feature
1.6.0 + Added: Show newest Contao version in backend (System settings)
1.5.2 + Fixed: Consider the rights management on create backend module order
1.5.1 + Fixed: Solve an array problem with feature 'Order of backend modules'
+ Fixed: Add missing feature to
1.5.0 + Added: New option to set the order of the backend modules in the system settings
1.4.2 + Changed: Function id-view now searchable and colored, click again shift to remove
+ Changed: Remove dca field 'cssClasses' if no classes assigned
+ Fixed: Replace some used deprecated functions
1.4.1 * Fixed: Backend link problems
* Fixed: Tables are not correct added to backend modules when use backend tabs
* Fixed: Some backend link problems with app_dev.php
1.4.0 * Added: Make markdown file editable
* Added: New feature sysinfo
* Fixed: Correct language array for id-search
1.3.2 * Fixed: A foreach problem with module-tabs
* Changed: Remove the feature fullwidth from 4.5, since it is no longer necessary
1.3.1 * Fixed: Theme buttons with wrong id´s (then multiple themes exists)
* Fixed: Illegal string warning on rocksolid custom elements
* Fixed: Search contao-manager.phar.php in wrong directory
* Fixed: Dom manipulation has a problem with the markup from the mediamanager from isotope.
* Fixed: Problem with script tag in allowed HTML tags / settings
* Fixed: HTML-Entitäten werden in den Übersetzungen wieder dekodiert
* Fixed: Add missing language labels
1.3.0 * Added: New feature 'Element classes'
* Fixed: 'Call to a member function hasAccess() on null' on site structure page
* Fixed: Add 'rel="noopener"' to links with 'target="_blank"'
  • person
  • Renè Fehrmann


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