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file_download 3794
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Version | Freigabe-Notizen und Änderungs-Log |
v2.2.1 | |
v2.2.0 | Added a `contao:proper-filenames:sanitize` command to recursively sanitize large folder structures (see [README](https://github.com/numero2/contao-proper-filenames?tab=readme-ov-file#commands)). |
v2.1.9 | Do not rename files if no valid characters are configured |
v2.1.8 | PHP 8.1 Hotfix |
v2.1.7 | |
v2.1.6 | The field `doNotSanitize` in the File-Manager is now excluded for normal backend users by default and can be granted if necessary |
v2.1.5 | Fixes problem that occurs when trying to submit a form with non-mandatory file uploads that should be sanitized (see #15) |
v2.1.4 | |
v2.1.3 | Fixes renaming of folders already containing special characters prior to installating the extension. |
v2.1.2 | Added option to exclude file upload form fields from being santizied. |
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