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Version | Freigabe-Notizen und Änderungs-Log |
1.1.6 | |
1.1.5 | Added missing semicolons (thx @w3scout for your support!) |
v1.1.4 | Added w100 to backend styles |
v1.1.3 | - Add w75 for backend dca fields |
v1.1.2 | - Fix bundle order for custom elements - fix callback priority |
v1.1.1 | Fix unpublic service and string error |
v1.1.0 | Loads of refactoring.. Thx @rabauss for your support! |
v1.0.4 | Fix File naming..... |
v1.0.3 | Fix CSS Bug for Bootstrap4 |
v1.0.2 | Moved the HexToRgba function to a service, with this function its possible to convert a hex color (#F0F0F0) to an rgb color (rgb(240,240,240)), when adding the opacity (75) it converts to rgba color (rgb(240,240,240,0.75)) To call the service use: ``` $hextorgba = \Contao\System::getContainer()->get('rwd.contao_custom_articles_bundle.hex_to_rgba'); $rgba = $hextorgba->convertColors("#F0F0F0", "75"); ``` |
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