With the extension it is possible to enter a large number of structured data and to display them on the website according to various criteria such as list and detail view, filters, sorting, pagination, multilingual and many more. All this can be configured in the Contao back end without programming.
The possibilities of this data content range from product catalogues, events, meal plans, address or employee lists, houses, rental objects to picture galleries or multilingual text/image content - and all this seamlessly integrated into Contao without programming.
More about installation and working with MetaModels in our manual at https://metamodels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
MetaModels core
file_download 50
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Zuletzt aktualisiert vor 9 Jahren
MetaModels base unit tests tests
file_download 9937
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Zuletzt aktualisiert vor 7 Jahren
This extension includes all Bootstrap for Contao components.
file_download 11364
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Zuletzt aktualisiert vor 10 Jahren
This extension is the base for all Bootstrap For Contao components.
file_download 24413
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Zuletzt aktualisiert vor 8 Jahren
The Bundle-All installs the packages as in the start bundle (metamodels/bundle_start) as well and t...
file_download 8739
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Zuletzt aktualisiert vor 6 Jahren
The extension enables the integration of MetaModel data records into a leaflet map.
file_download 109
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Zuletzt aktualisiert vor 8 Jahren
To get started with MetaModels, the bundle metamodels/bundle_start is recommended - it installs the ...
file_download 401
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Zuletzt aktualisiert vor 6 Jahren
MetaModels membergroup condition filter
file_download 12
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Zuletzt aktualisiert vor 7 Jahren
MetaModels multipreset filter that allows to choose multiple entries in the content elemente / modul
file_download 11
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Zuletzt aktualisiert vor 9 Jahren
MetaModels select filter year
file_download 13
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Zuletzt aktualisiert vor 9 Jahren