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Version | Freigabe-Notizen und Änderungs-Log |
v4.3.3 | - Fixed appearance in Contao 5.3.19 / 5.4.7 (see #41) - Optimized Icons in Dark Mode |
v4.3.2 | |
v4.3.1 | Fixes a bug that may occur when navigating in the Backend |
v4.3.0 | Now also supporting [contao/faq-bundle]( |
v4.2.15 | |
v4.2.14 | Bugfix for Contao 4.13.20 |
v4.2.13 | |
v4.2.12 | |
v4.2.11 | Improved compatibility with Contao 5 |
v4.2.10 | |
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